gabion box
box is point to
heavy hexagonal mesh is also named gabion mesh.
In order to reinforce gabion mesh configurable intensity, all of the face halftone side adopt more thick ***** and lead to water or flood , water and soil protection, keep off dust wall.
Characteristics :
Economy. It only needs to load a stone cage can be sealed.
Construction is simple, without special skills.
A strong withstand natural damage and corrosion resistance and resistance to adverse effects of climate.
Withstand large-scale deformation, and does not collapse.
Cage rock crevice between the mud to plant production, with the surrounding natural environment melting together.
Has good permeability to prevent static fluid from the damage caused.
Save transportation costs. Can be folded up its transport, assembly on site.
Control and guide of water or flood
Preventing of rock breaking
Rock fall protection
Water and soil protection
Bridge protection
Strengthening structure of soil
Protection engineering of seaside area.
Port project
Keep off dust wall
roadway protection.
Gabion mesh sepcification